The membership includes:

  • Access to a supportive community of inspiring people that will encourage you to reach your fullest potential while having a good time

  • 2-3 physical events per month in and around Stockholm. Here are some examples of events that we are planning during the year:

    • Book clubs where we read and discuss books within personal and professional development

    • Breakfasts with inspiring speeches on interesting topics from other members

    • Yearly and quarterly reflections

    • Sauna and cold baths

    • Yoga and breathwork sessions

    • Wine tastings, painting sessions and cooking classes

    • Networking lunches, afterworks and summer party

    • Retreats and work aways etc etc

  • Access to our slack communication tool where you can connect with other members between events by for example asking for advice, sharing insights or plan something fun!

Price: 270 SEK/month or 2700 SEK/year*

*The cost for events is not included in the membership price, our events are a mixture of paid and free